Kukishinden Ryu

Takamatsu Toshitsugu on Kukishinden Ryu

この連名簿は、澄水が作成したもの。それ故、右とは別個に、九鬼宗伝之巻(天津蹈鞴秘文武道遍の別称)を直授された高塚理考氏あたりには異論があるかも知れない。けれども、いちおう澄水執筆のままをここに再録し た。

 This register was drawn up by Chōsui (Chosui was one of Takamatsu Sensei warrior name). As a consequence, people such as Mr. Takatsuka Michitaka, who received the Kuki Sōden-no-maki (also known as Amatsu Tatara Hibun (Hibumi Budō-hen) might have a different opinion. However, for the most part it is written here again as Chōsui wrote


 Incidentally, according to a letter sent by Chōsui to his Excellency Kuki Takaharu, he stated that he advocated “Hontai Kukishin-ryū Chōsui-ha”, and was asking for Takaharu’s consent.

 これは、講道館柔道が全国的に普及し、九鬼本来の古道的体術では立ちうち出来かねることを認め、拳当・唐手術(今日の空手道)を加味した九鬼神流柔体術を『九体鬼神道流澄水派』として、世に広める意図によるもの であった。(昭和25・5・15は高松書簡)

 It was because of his intention to make it public due to Kōdōkan jūdō spreading nationwide, the recognition that Kuki’s primary old-way taijutsu could not compete, kobushi-ate, tōdejutsu/karatejutsu (today’s karatedō) added to Kukishin-ryū jūtaijutsu as (Kutai kiShintō-ryū Chōsui-ha) that he sought Takaharu’s consent.


 Jūjutsu techniques of Kukishin-ryū were the ones that featured ate-komi, or punching and kicking that originated in the time when warriors wore armor on the killing field, and when the name of the game was effectiveness. Like other schools of jūjutsu, however, it can be assumed that the jūjutsu techniques of this school had developed from the ones for a fight with armor on into the new style for a fight in an everyday life situation by the early Edo period.

2 –  九鬼神流では、通常、他流で當身と称しているのを、當込という。

 In Kukishin-ryū, the term ate-komi is used instead of atemi unlike other school of jūjutsu.

3 –  戦国時代以前の技法については、口伝の一部に剛法の伝が残り、往古の姿を髣髴させている。

 In terms of techniques of old days when warriors wore armor, Gōhō-no-den exists, reminding us of how they fought on the battleground.