Rei Ho (礼法)

REI HO -礼宝 (etiquettes)

Etiquette is a fundamental skill of any form of personal development. This is particular of importance in Budo, where participants may be prone to becoming reckless or violent. It teachers an individual to develop a sense of awareness and Safety. It also serves as a form of respect to fellow student, teacher and tradition. For these reasons, etiquette must be emphasized if evert day practice. The first point is to understand shisei wo ta dashite 姿勢を正して which means correct posture and spirit.

Shizen Rei – 自然礼 Natural Standing Bow

Stand naturally with the legs slightly apart, hands resting at the front of the body and the back straight. To bow bend your upper body from the hips forward.

Seiza Rei – 正坐礼 Natural Sitting Bow

Start from the standing posture used in Shizen rei keeping the upper body straight. kneel on the left knee then the right next sitting down on the sole of the feet, then raise the body slightly and sit with the feet flat. To bow place left hand down then the right and bend from the hips. To get up do the reverse order.

Fudoza Rei – 不動坐礼 Immovable sit bow

From the natural standing posture used in Shizen rei keeping the upper body straight. Kneel on the left knee, turn the leg inward and sit on the left leg then tuck the right leg beside the left knee. To bow place left hand on the floor then the right bending from the hips. To get up do the reverse order.

Jinchu Rei – 陣中礼 True fight bow

From the natural standing posture used in Shizen rei keeping the upper body straight. Kneel down on the left knee; place the left hand on the ground with the arm straight keeping the right arm resting on the right leg. To bow, bend the elbow slightly. To get up do the reverse order.

Dojo Rei – 道場礼 Bowing upon arrival and departure

When arriving to class say the following to anyone present:
– Ohayo Gozaimasu – お早う御座います Good morning
– Konnichiwa – こんにちは Good afternoon
– Konbanwa – こんばんは Good evening

When departing from class say the following to anyone present:
– Shitsurei Shimasu – しつれいします Please excuse me
– Sayonara – さよなら Good bye
– Oyasumi Nasai – おやすみなさい Good night

Shinzen Rei – 神前礼 (Paying respect to tradition)

At the beginning of class all students will sit in meditation from the highest ranking to the right. At one point Sensei will recite the “Ninja Seishin”, Chihaya buru…. and “Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo” the students will follow, and then all will clap twice bow followed by a single clap and a bow. The teacher will turn around and face the students at which point the senior student will say, “Shisei Otadashite Sensei Ni Rei” (Please everyone present gratitude to the teacher with a correct frame of mind) then all students will bow and say Onegai Shimasu (at the beginning of class) and Arigato Gozaimashita (at the end of class).

Shi Rei – 師礼 (Bowing to the teacher)

When greeting the teacher bow and say one of the following:
– Ohayo Gozaimasu Sensei – Good morning teacher
– Konnichiwa Sensei – Good afternoon teacher
– Konbanwa Sensei – Good afternoon teacher

After Shinzen Rei say the following:
– Onegai Shimasu – at the beginning of class
– Arigato Gozaimashita – at the end of class

When asking or receiving help say the following:
– Onegai Shimasu – when asking for help

Some important phrases to remember:

seiretsu – 整列 – line up in approximate grade order, with the most senior students furthest away from the dojo exit

kiritsu – 起立 – stand up (always raising the right leg first)

mokuso – 黙想 – (start) meditation: rest your left hand over your right hand in the middle of you lap with the thumbs almost touching, lower your sight to look no further than halfway across the dojo and control your breathing

sensei ni rei – 先生に礼 – bow to your sensei (teacher), saying:
– onegaishimasu – お願いします – please, at the start; and
– arigato gozaimasu – ありがとうございます – thank you very much, at the end